

Useful tips and cost saving advice to help you with your masonry project.

interior design
Masonry: A Complex Profession With Many Sub Specialties

Masonry and brickwork is the art of laying brick and stone or block into place with or without mortar; to achieve a durable structure or surface. It is often an integral part of general construction projects; an area of specialty requiring a high degree of training and expertise.

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masonry contractors
Masonry Contractor

Every since early first used stones or clumps of clay as building units the art of masonry construction has existed. The first builders found that mud aided their construction by binding the pieces together thus sealing the walls from outside exposure. This early mortar was replaced by sand and limestone paste and this became the main binding mixture until the invention of Portland cement in the 1800's. The building blocks were varied in size and material with stone and brick being the most popular.

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Common Masonry and Brick Mistakes

Whether you're building a new home, repairing existing brick work or considering a brick facade, there are a few big mistakes which you should be aware of. These mistakes are easily avoided, and avoiding them can save you a great deal in terms of both money and time. Since masonry and brick work are professional-only jobs, you won't be in danger of actually making many of these mistakes. However, it's always a good idea to know what should and shouldn't be done, just in case an inexperienced worker is in a rush. If you can point out potential errors to the contractor before they become pricey repair jobs, it will save you both time and money. A few of these mistakes have to do with simple maintenance, as well. In this article, we'll review the most common mistakes made when installing, repairing or maintaining brick work and masonry. We'll also touch on the simple steps necessary to avoid these costly errors.

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stone veneer
Stone Veneer is Rock Solid

Stone veneer is quickly becoming a staple in the exterior market. It is a Portland cement casting of real stone and is colored to match the look of the natural stone whether round stream stones, field stone and shale-like ledgestones. Concrete or brick walls do not need a sheathing underneath but wooden walls should be covered with an asphalt felt followed by the installation of a metal lathe to hold the mortar. Then the stones are pressed into place and, if desired, mortared.

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