

Useful tips and cost saving advice to help you with your insulation project.

Insulated Panels
Structural Insulated Panels

As the price of home heating fuel rises with every hike in the price of a barrel of crude oil new home builders are pausing to search other options before going with the traditional wood home. With a maximum R-value of less than R-2 per inch and heat loss at each stud and window header, wood construction is literally full of holes. You can add to that the real possibility of holes and small imperfections where cold air can get under the fiberglass insulation and into the home through electrical outlets and ducts.

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green insulation
Insulating: The Original 'Green' Way

With the price of a barrel of oil skyrocketing the cost of fuel oil, natural gas and propane is following in its wake. Fossil fuels are a commodity and, even if the huge price is based mostly on speculation, the price will never see low prices again. Rather than cry over this there are a few things that can be done around the home to lessen the pain. In fact most of the energy savings can be realized by preventing the valuable heat from leaving the home after you've spent a small fortune creating it. In fact, if the home is tightened up to its potential you may spend less on fuel even when the fuel is twice what it was four years ago

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Common Ways to Insulate and Winterize Home Components; Important Tasks Frequently Overlooked

Cool autumn days bring the certainty of blustery winter weather just around the corner, reminding us to insulate and winterize home structures. Every homeowner at one time or another has undertaken the effort to winterize, but many have not taken the time to really learn how to winterize a house.

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Warm Winters, Cool Summers; Adequate Home Insulation Makes it Happen

Homeowners in North America, especially in the northernmost parts, are no strangers to frigid, windy winters where a warm, cozy home with adequate insulation affords a welcome retreat. From the mid-northern states of America to the artic north regions of Canada, home insulation of one type or another is a necessary requirement for every home. Insulation types range from fiberglass insulation, foam insulation, spray foam insulation, and cellulose insulation, to reflective aluminum faced sheeting insulation.

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basement insulation
Basement Insulation - Evaluate Your Free Space

Properly insulating your basement is an important factor for controlling your fuel, electricity and gas bills.

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Contractor installing attic insulation
Foam Board Insulation

Foam board insulation is manufactured in panels that can be easily installed into the wall spaces of a new building or even for a home refit. Whereas traditional insulating products, such as fiberglass batts or blown-in cellulose, are still the best-selling materials, rigid foam panels are steadily gaining in popularity. Besides having a better R-value per inch foam panels will not compress or be compromised by moisture. Rigid foam insulation boards are also great for roofing, insulated concrete forms (ICF) and structural insulated panels (SIPs) because they have great structural strength.

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foam board insulation
Foam Board Insulation

Foam board insulation comes in rigid panels that easily fit into the wall spaces of a new home construction. Unlike fiberglass batts or blown-in cellulose insulation, rigid foam panels will not compress or have the R-value compromised by moisture or age. Rigid foam also adds structure for roofing and is used in the manufacture of insulated concrete forms (ICF) and structural insulated panels (SIPs).

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