

Useful tips and cost saving advice to help you with your stucco project.

Stucco - Still Popular in Modern Construction

In modern construction, the use of stucco is commonplace; especially for Southwestern design utilizing exterior stucco wall finish. The use of plaster, however, has declined significantly from its traditional widespread use for finishing interior walls. Interior plaster wall finishes have been replaced largely by gypsum board, also known as drywall or sheetrock.

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stucco coating
The Do's and Don'ts of Stucco

One of the oldest coverings for a home or dwelling is stucco coating. This lime, cement and sand mixture was used in different forms by the natives in American southwest, the Moors in North Africa and the Mediterranean dynasties well before the birth of Christ. This was because it went well over stone, brick and wood and sealed the structure from the wind and elements. Today it is one the main exteriors for homes in the hot, dry areas of the country.

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stucco contractors
Stucco Contractor

One of the most popular home exteriors in the world is stucco. Cement-based stucco dries as an incredibly-strong, man-made rock material that will last for years. In addition, a well-maintained stucco home will increase in value because the maintenance is almost nil. This is because pigments can be added as it is mixed so that it never needs painting.

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