
Licensed Electrician Requirements; Journeyman Electrician Specialized Training

A journeyman electrician can work on nearly any type electrical system, after fulfilling state licensed electrician requirements for electrician training. This includes new installation and maintenance of existing commercial and residential electrical wiring, as well as the maintenance and repair of stationary machines and equipment that use electricity. A licensed electrician may also specialize in the wiring and electrical maintenance of airplanes, ships, and similar craft.

A journeyman electrician license also qualifies the holder to read electric blueprint designs. However, drafting electric blueprint plans usually requires the assistance of a qualified electrical contractor or registered master electrician.

When working for the public, a journeyman electrician must usually work under a licensed electrical contractor. While every licensed electrical contractor is considered an electrician, not every licensed electrician is a licensed electrical contractor. An electrician is someone trained to perform various commercial and residential electrical wiring services, including the type services listed above. He or she may work as an electrician independently, for a firm, or be self-employed as an electrical contractor.

A licensed electrical contractor, on the other hand, is a business person or firm offering unique electrician services related to electric blueprint design, and the installation and maintenance of various electrical and communication systems. In America there exist over 70,000 electrical contracting firms that employ over 650,000 electricity workers.

Many journeymen electrician and electrical contractor service providers join an electrical workers union, such as the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). The IBEW is an nationally recognized electrical workers union with focus on good quality of life and better work conditions. Including adequate health and pension plan benefits, fair wages, and proper compensation for working overtime and holidays for electrician members. The electrical workers union also helps settle grievance matters through their Labor-Management Committee, and offers upgrade classes and continuing education for electrical workers union members.

Licensed electrician candidates desiring to know how to become a journeyman electrician should connect with their electrical workers union or local electrical inspector, to ask about guidelines for that area. This is because specific licensed electrician requirements differ state to state.

Journeyman electrician candidates might also want to visit the IBEW online, for various electricity / electrician related information. In addition to the above, the IBEW electrical workers union offers various electrician education courses, legislature updates, recall information, and other National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and licensed electrician related information - political and otherwise. As well as a line of quality electrical workers union made products and equipment for electricians, whether a union member or not. To visit the IBEW electrical workers union online now - click HERE.

Even though each state mandates its own specific guidelines, licensed electrician requirements usually involve the following:

  • Participation in an electrician apprenticeship program endorsed by the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA).
  • Obtaining the necessary electrician training certificate, authorizing the holder to learn the electrical trade under the direct supervision of a licensed journeyman electrician. Note: states generally require that training certificates be renewed annually, to continue to accrue hours. For certificate requirements specific to your state, connect with the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), or local electrical inspector.
  • Paying the required journeyman electrician exam fee.
  • Taking and passing a journeyman electrician license test, given in the state in which services will be rendered.
  • Annual journeyman electrician license renewal fees.
  • Continuing education endorsed by NECA, the National Electrical Contractors Association.

Licensed electrician requirements also dictate proper insurance coverage - including Worker's Compensation, liability, and property damage.

In addition, a licensed electrical contractor must have and maintain a definite place of business where their electrical contractor license is displayed; even if located within their home. (A post office box number does not qualify as an acceptable address.)

How to Become a Journeyman Electrician

Candidates desiring to know how to become a journeyman electrician must understand that the requirements are state regulated. There does exist, however, an interstate electrician reciprocating agreement between some states.

Industry-related organizations such as the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) sponsor and endorse hundreds of journeyman electrician training programs nationwide. Many programs allow trainees to earn a paycheck while learning their craft, even before becoming a licensed electrician.

An electrician apprenticeship program for candidates working toward a journeyman electrician license typically lasts 3 to 5 years. Electrician apprenticeship program trainees take on more responsibility annually, and may earn a higher wage, with each passing year. Upon successful completion of the program, the apprentice becomes what is known as a full-fledge journeyman electrician.

Electrician apprenticeship program duration depends upon the amount of electrician training hours accumulated by the candidate in the program. For instance, a participant who accumulates 40 - 50 hours of electrician training each week will complete the electrician apprenticeship program faster than a participant who accumulates only 20 - 30 hours weekly. Note: not all states offer a statewide journeyman electrician license. The license may be limited to a particular county or city.

The main purpose served by a journeyman electrician license is to define the profession of an electrician. To set down a state-wide standard for safe and dependable electrical service, and protect the public's health and safety by preventing unqualified persons from working with electricity. Journeyman electrician exam requirements for licensing also helps enforce national electricity codes set down by the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). As well as state and local level commercial and residential electrical wiring codes.

The best answer to “how to become a journeyman electrician” is to work under the watchful eye of a licensed electrician, licensed electrical contractor, or registered master electrician as part of an electrician apprenticeship program. This is the safe and legal way to acquire electrician training, learn national electricity codes, acquire the proper skills, and prepare for the journeyman electrician license test.

After completing an electrician apprenticeship program, passing the electrician apprenticeship license test, and obtaining a journeyman electrician license, the student has met all licensed electrician requirements. And has become a fully qualified journeyman electrician, trained in all phases of electrical installation and maintenance; industrial, commercial, and residential electrical wiring.

While a residential electrician can usually only work on residential projects with set limitations, a journeyman electrician offers a broader scope of services. Limitations exist, however, when it comes to electric system design. In most cases a journeyman electrician license allows the holder to provide electric blueprint reading services. But he/she is usually prohibited from designing an electric blueprint without further training or additional credentials. Unless they are assisted by a qualifying professional, such as a registered master electrician.

When understanding how to become a journeymen electrician, consider the following licensed electrician requirements:

  • Electrician training apprentices and specialty electricians working outside the scope of their certification must obtain an electrician training certificate. They must acquire their skills in a recognized electrician apprenticeship program. And train under the direct supervision of a journeyman electrician, registered master electrician, or specialty electrician working in his or her desired area of expertise.<.li>

  • Rule of thumb, an electrician apprenticeship program must provide each trainee with direct supervision by a licensed electrician for at least 75% of the work day. At a ratio of not more than two trainees for each specialty or journeyman electrician, while at a specialty jobsite. And one licensed electrician for each trainee working a commercial or industrial jobsite. Note: licensed electrician requirements state that trainees must have their electrician training certificates in their possession while working in the electrician apprenticeship program.
  • Most states mandate that electrician training certificates be renewed annually, to continue accruing hours required to complete the electrician apprenticeship program. Certificate renewal guidelines usually require an accumulation of X amount of electrician training hours within a year span. For instance, 1-2,000 hours for the first year, 2,001 - 4,000 for the second year, 4,001 - 6,000 for the third year, etc. Note: the following year's certificate can be requested once the required number of electrician training hours for that year has been reached. Even if the required number of hours for a given year has not been met, trainees must pay for certificate renewal, to continue and train in the electrician apprenticeship program.
  • State mandated total number of work hours in the electrician apprenticeship program must be completed before trainees can take the journeyman electrician exam. Note: most states require a certain percentage of electrician training hours be spent in commercial or industrial installation. To take a specialty journeyman electrician license test, trainees must have worked under the supervision of a licensed journeyman electrician or the appropriate specialty electrician for at approx. 4,000 hours in that area of expertise.
  • The journeyman electrician license test must be taken and passed before the applicant is issued a license.

To view the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) licensing requirements for journeyman electrician residential electrical wiring and other low-voltage applications, click HERE.

Journeyman Electrician Testing

Upon completing an electrician apprenticeship program, candidates must pass journeyman electrician testing before becoming a licensed electrician. Preparation for journeyman electrician testing is important for candidates serious about meeting licensed electrician requirements.

The journeyman electrician exam will determine whether or not electrician training has been fruitful. And whether the journeyman electrician candidate has acquired the desired skills, knowledge, and electrician training necessary to become a certified or licensed electrician.

The primary purpose of the electrician apprenticeship license test is to assess whether the student has a good understanding of national electricity codes, and state and local regulations. Whether the student has gained a working knowledge of the theory and principles behind electricity. And whether the student meets licensed electrician requirements and can safely and efficiently perform the various tasks associated with a journeyman electrician.

It is important for electrician apprenticeship program trainees who prepare for journeyman electrician testing to understand exam basics:

  • Licensed electrician requirements formally define the electrician profession, and set a universal standard of excellence.
  • Another reason for journeyman electrician testing is to protect public health and safety. Electrician training and testing prevents unqualified persons from performing tasks in a craft with serious risks; to the service provider, the public at large, and the environment. State and national electricity codes mandate licensed electrician requirements be met when working with electricity.
  • State mandated journeymen electrician requirements must be met. Trainees in an electrician apprenticeship program can take a journeyman electrician exam only after program completion.
  • The required fee for the journeymen electrician license test must be paid for in advance.
  • Areas covered during journeyman electrician testing include electricity codes, theory, practical knowledge, and functional application. Percentage of questions within categories will differ to meet National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and location requirements. Area electrical board members determine percentage requirements.
  • Some states require a business and law-based test to become a licensed electrical contractor.
  • Journeyman electrician exam questions within the test are for all candidates who take the exam that day. Some questions about local, state, and national electricity codes may address areas not utilized by certain candidates during electrician training. Studying up on all local, state, and national electricity codes, therefore, is important. Note: local, state, and national electricity codes are routinely updated. Journeyman electrician apprentices should ensure their electricity code information is current.
  • The major difference in the journeyman electrician license test state to state is questions pertaining to state and local laws; commercial and residential electrical wiring codes and restrictions.

Trainees preparing for journeyman electrician testing need to be familiar with national electricity codes as well as local and state electricity codes and regulations. It is also a good idea to obtain and study books recommended by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), the local electrical inspector. Or study materials recommended by such industry pillars as the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) prior to taking the journeymen electrician license test.

Even after passing the journeyman electrician exam and obtaining a license, continuing licensed electrician requirements must be met. Proper Worker's Compensation, liability, and property damage insurance should be obtained; requirements differ state by state. And a licensed electrical contractor must have a definite place of business where his/her license can be served; a post office box number is not acceptable.

All licensed electrical contractor and other electrician service providers must follow strict local, state, and national electricity codes and standards. Offending electricians will be penalized for incompetence and illegal or immoral actions. Consequences for not following licensed electrician requirements include legal action, legal fees, fines, electrician license suspension, and license revocation.

Journeyman electrician licensing is subject to renewal. Failure to renew the license by the state mandated date can result in automatic journeymen electrician license termination. And, it is up to each journeyman electrician to know the licensed electrician requirements for their state.

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